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Have you ever thought of the pattern on Kimono can be carried instead of putting on? Are you interested in learning the Kimono dyeing method? If you like Japanese Kimono, you shouldn’t miss the following event. “Pagong” is a textile shop in Kyoto which has 100 years dyeing history. A dyeing workshop will be held in THE LAB. 20 types of dyed molds which contain strong Japanese culture will be provided. Teachers will teach you the simple technique of dyeing. You can use 5 different color paint to do some mix & match design on your tote bag.

有沒有想過和服上的圖案不一定只能穿在身上還可以成為手袋圖案?想體驗一下和服染布過程嗎?喜歡日本和服的你萬萬不能錯過這個活動。”Pagong” 是一間擁有100年染布歷史的京都紡織店,他將會帶同染布技術和THE LAB合作開設工作坊。屆時會提供二十款帶有日本文化色彩的模具和五種顏色,以及有專人教授學員以簡單的染布技術在布袋染上圖案。學員可以自由設計布袋和體驗日本的染布技術。



 24-25 JUL 2019 I 15:00-16:00 I 17:00-18:00 I 19:00-20:00

Shop G11 on G/F, Mira Place 1, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui


7月24日及7月25日 下午3時至4時 / 下午5時至6時 / 下午7時至8時


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